Daily Market Analysis

In-depth technical & fundamental analysis for currencies & commodities

The most promising stocks right now
The most promising stocks right now

Could you predict that Netflix would rise amid the coronavirus lockdown? Obviously, but if you have lost the chance to buy it, don’t miss it now! Buy these 5 stocks!

2020: the new forecasts
2020: the new forecasts

The coronavirus has changed everything. When analysts gave forecasts for 2020 at the end of last year, no one could foresee that the whole world would be seized by the pandemic.

Why do traders prefer Japanese yen?
Why do traders prefer Japanese yen?

You may not have noticed that but the Japanese yen rose every month this year. It grew more than other currencies of the Group-of-10 and became a top currency. How could it have beaten the powerful US dollar? Let’s see.

GBP: under pressure
GBP: under pressure

Let’s look at the factors that move the British pound and what restrictions it can meet on its way.

SAUDI ARAMCO: temporary balance
SAUDI ARAMCO: temporary balance

The stock price of the Saudi oil company has stabilized at $31 per share, just as WTI has done the same at $25. How long will that last?

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